“This is a sweded parody of “Space Oddity,” the David Bowie song...
“This is a sweded parody of “Space Oddity,” the David Bowie song (and music video). The lyrics contain only the thousand most common words in English.”🎶 Take your small food rocks and put your...
View Article"Hello Dear, My name is miss Anne, i saw your profile here and my spirit ask...
“Hello Dear, My name is miss Anne, i saw your profile here and my spirit ask me to contact you,please i will like you to send me an email with this my email address (◼◼◼◼◼◼@hotmail.com) because i have...
View Articlejanelleieio: hoodoo-hoodlum:I’m so mad because this...
janelleieio:hoodoo-hoodlum:I’m so mad because this workedwelp
View ArticleI’ve really been enjoying Friends at the Table’s second...
I’ve really been enjoying Friends at the Table’s second season–started just this summer, and with a start at that. I only just noticed, though, that each installment has a little reflective epigram in...
View ArticleAnd our Chime pals move on to a new job! Where’s Orth–and more...
And our Chime pals move on to a new job! Where’s Orth–and more importantly, can I finally have my transit-based keno machine needs met?Find out next time on Friends at the Table!
View ArticleBeyond Compass and Straightedge
Are you curious about other valid tools for constructing geometric figures? Don’t care if they’re made up? Well, may I present: Beyond Compass and Straightedge, an examination of local construction...
View ArticleSorry about your big day out, Greg. Friends at the Table! My jaw...
Sorry about your big day out, Greg. Friends at the Table! My jaw fell slack at the end of this one.Photo credit: Tim Sackton’s “Gora Gora Orkesta at Honk!”
View ArticleThe Head of the Procession
Published in 1957, Constraint and Variety in American Education is not exactly a new release–nor was it apparently a particularly major work, as it didn’t make its author Riesman’s Wikipedia page. I...
View ArticleI like to imagine that the Kingdom Come is the sort of ship...
I like to imagine that the Kingdom Come is the sort of ship that’s actually pretty dang user-serviceable, sold on the romance of that mainly to people who have no concept of where to even look first...
View ArticleOn the recommendation of Broodhollow’s Kris Straub last...
On the recommendation of Broodhollow’s Kris Straub last Halloween, I listened to this reading of Le Fanu’s 1872 vampire genre kick-off Carmilla and really enjoyed it–you definitely feel the ominous...
View Article"The question says 16 people were surveyed, but the provided data says 15...
“The question says 16 people were surveyed, but the provided data says 15 people. Just use 15, pretend one person died.” - Statistics TA on a typo during a test (via mathprofessorquotes)
View Article"Well, I don’t believe in magic, but the closest thing to it, in my opinion,...
“Well, I don’t believe in magic, but the closest thing to it, in my opinion, is matrix multiplication.” - Linear algebra professor (via mathprofessorquotes)
View Article"This is a contrived example, but it’s contrived for the greater social good."
“This is a contrived example, but it’s contrived for the greater social good.” - Number theory lecturer deriving quadratic reciprocity from class field theory (via mathprofessorquotes)
View ArticleA gift for the Ten-Year Anniversary of the Golden War Armistice!...
A gift for the Ten-Year Anniversary of the Golden War Armistice! A happy day, but a sober one too; a time to think on how we can work together so that we never need to relive those days.Friends at the...
View ArticleFriends at the Table!The end of “The Glimmer Incident” is...
Friends at the Table!The end of “The Glimmer Incident” is absolutely heart-wrenching, but let’s not undersell the mid-episode reveal that this holiday special is built on the saddest science fiction...
View Article70sscifiart: Isaac Asimov, by Giuseppe Festino
70sscifiart:Isaac Asimov, by Giuseppe Festino
View ArticleThere’s always time to ruin a civic celebration on Friends at...
There’s always time to ruin a civic celebration on Friends at the Table—even when the genteel, terrifying vengeance of the most powerful man in half of space is about to come knocking. Good to see you...
View ArticleThe Friends at the Table are going to be on the road for the...
The Friends at the Table are going to be on the road for the next little while, so there’s time to fit a couple of long, locked-off shots into the title sequence. Need to set the exact right mood when...
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